Dec 10, 2008

I know it's been a long time since my last post, but writing and life tend to get in the way. Things are going well and I just wanted to say that there's a new contest going on over at the HL Blog-o-Rama.

+HL+ Blog-o-Rama+

Jul 1, 2008

New Site Is Live!

My new site has gone live , but is still in the early stages. I will be adding more content as I go along. And this blog will still be here and I will still post new news as it happens. Find my new site here.

Jun 28, 2008

The 13th Hour

As I stated in an earlier post, I was going to be involved in a new radio drama show. I am proud to announce that I have been named Head Writer for The 13th Hour, a horror anthology, in the vein of Tales from the Crypt. Here's a poster for the production.

New Website Going Up Soon!

That's right, I'm having a new website built as I type this blog entry. It's being done by Melissa, a very talented web designer. I hope you'll pay it a visit when it's finally live, which I'll update this post when it is. Go and seek Melissa out for all you web design needs, you won't be sorry. You can find her here.

Jun 26, 2008

Shaye St. John

I read a post over at the HL office and was introduced to this beautiful bit of film making. Apparently this guy has a lot of these independent films that are quite popular with the kids these days.

Jun 15, 2008

Placing An Ad With Dark Recesses Press

Are you a writer or a publisher and the budget is tight? Do you need to get your name or product out to a larger audience? Then come and place an ad with Dark Recesses Press magazine. The prices are competitive and the quality is outstanding. So come see us here.

Jun 12, 2008

New Radio Drama Coming Soon!

I can't say much right now, but I was named Head Writer for a new horror radio drama. It's format is much like that of Tales From the Crypt, in that there will be a different tale every month. I will be doing most of the writing from original works of fiction, but I will be writing scripts based on other up-and-coming horror writers tales.

I'll post more when I can. It's all CIA hush-hush right now.

May 28, 2008

Onboard With Dark Recesses Press As Editor

I have been giving the honor of carrying the title and responsibilities of Editor with Dark Recesses Press. I have been doing proofing for them for a while now and this was a logical step for me to take. I join the ranks of some very accomplished writers/editors and publishers, not too mention Bailey and her keen eye for great horror. I guess the next step for me is to conquer the world.

May 25, 2008

Frank's Back! Fran's New Book

Do you see that really nice banner above this post? Well that's one of me most favorite writer's new book. It has her Bram Stoker nominated novella, "Momma's Boy" and a host of many other dark tales to keep you up at night. So give that banner a clicky-poo and order 10-15 copies and give them as gifts at Christmas or birthdays. Donate a copy to your library for all to enjoy! Trust me they'll think you.

This one's for your Franny! Congrats again on such a great accomplishment!

May 16, 2008

My Friend George

Is this not the coolest picture ever?

May 7, 2008

Update On Locker 13

In an earlier post, I talked about my script in contention for a slot in a six part flick called, "Locker 13". Unfortunately, I didn't make it this time, but no worries, it's off to the writing board for me!

May 5, 2008


I just wanted to announce my next script, "Solitary". It's a piece about a woman trapped in her house. Stay tuned for more information.

Apr 28, 2008

Edward Ballister

A few weeks ago I finished Chapter ten of The Edward Ballister Project. For those not in the know, it is a collaboration from an assload of authors, each writing his/her own chapter and take on the story. But at the same time it has to be fluid. It was a blast and one I hope to do again soon.

Post Titles Back Up And Going

I have to thank Funky88 for alerting me to the fact that my post titles were not showing up. Great catch. Thanks again . . . whoever you are. ;-)

Apr 21, 2008

My Submission To Locker 13 Script Contest

I just finished up a 10 page script that I am going to enter into this contest entitled "Locker 13". If my script is chosen I get two percent of the proceeds, so that will be nice. Wish me luck!

Mar 17, 2008

New Co-Editorship At Dark Discoveries Magazine

It is with great pleasure that I announce my new position of Co-editor at Dark Discoveries Magazine. Here's looking at a long life for us both. Visit them here.

Mar 12, 2008

Mark E. Deloy's "Life Suspended"


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This was written by a friend, Mark Deloy, and it's going to be one hell of a ride! I should know, I proofread it. Produced by Dark Recesses Press and Bailey Hunter along with AJ Brown at Editor-in-Chief. Go get yourself a million copies when it is released!

Mar 3, 2008


I almost forgot to mention that I am now an intern under Jonathan Maberry. He has won a Bram Stoker award for the book you see pictured. He is a great man and writer and I will be getting writing instruction for my work. This is an amazing chance to get better all around with my writing.

Feb 23, 2008

Cruelty of the Crows Screenplay

I have done some more work on my screenplay "The Cruelty of Crows" and I hope to get a production company here in Michigan to produce it. I'm crossing my fingers!

Feb 3, 2008

Halloween 2007

I am admittedly the last person on Earth to see this flick, and boy am I glad I waited. Being a Rob Zombie film, I had my expectations high and hoped I wasn't let down. I am glad I wasn't. This film lived up to what I had hoped it would, with plenty of gore and filling in the back story of Michael was a plus. If you haven't seen it like me, do yourself a favor and watch it!

Jan 28, 2008

Saw IV

As if anyone in the world hasn't seen this little gem of a movie. I'm not sure why this set of movies gives me such joy. Maybe it's because I am a very sick man or maybe because I can picture everyone I hate inside one of those hideous contraptions, just waiting for the timer to go 'click'! If that makes me sick, then so be it. Atleast I have my priorities straight. So in closing I guess I wanted to say...go buy this now!

Jan 24, 2008

Long Time Gone

I have read a great many stories over 2007 and one that still haunts me today is 'Longtime Gone', penned by a fellow HL'er, that goes by the moniker of Kurt Dinan. By day he is a mild-mannered English teacher, but by night, his pen of evil comes alive in his hand and all Hell breaks loose. The above mentioned story was just put on the preliminary list for a Bram Stoker award. For those of you not familiar...think Academy award for those of us in the horror writing world. And this piece is well deserving of that honor. Don't say I didn't warn you. So now I give you:


Jan 23, 2008

My Friend Erik

I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank Erik Smetana for taking the time to make the new banner you see above this post. Click on his name over to the right in the writers section and pay him a visit. He's a great writer and a great man. Thanks again Erik! He also made the banner you see here for my ghost hunting team.

Jan 15, 2008

Just to Catch Up

Well I have a few things going right now in the writing world. I am working on developing characters for a screenplay. I am also doing a novel with five other authors and look forward to the end result. I am still smoke free and feeling better every day. I'm going to be reviewing a screenplay over the next few days and decide on whether or not I want to jump onboard with it. I guess that's all I have...Night!