Dec 26, 2007

Back Again

Well I hope everyone had a great holiday, I know I did. I didn't get much writing accomplished due to Guitar Hero III. That game is so damn addictive. Anyway, I have written a few more pieces and one is on the editor of +The Horror Library+'s desk and I have my fingers crossed that it will make it to the Slushpile. That's all I have for now...goodbye and good luck!

Nov 6, 2007

Nox Arcana

For those of you that have never experienced the beauty that is Nox Arcana, I implore you to please click on their banner below and give them a listen. They blend haunting vocals with beautifully composed music. I do most of my writing listening to them.

Oct 23, 2007

Still Writing

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Many things have happened, my oldest son had a heart surgery, a lot of working, stopped smoking and of course, writing!!! I am working on a few projects and I think I may have been persuaded (Hi John) to bring Jack from a short to novelization. Will be working on that soon. That's it for now and I will see you spooks later.

Oct 2, 2007

Jack's Hungry Now Online At Static Movement

Just wanted to let everyone know that Jack's Hungry is now online and hot!! Give it a read and enjoy it from me to you. This is the artwork done for my story by Kevin Hurtack. Thanks Kevin it looks Great!! Thanks Chris for giving a newbie a shot! Find it HERE.

Chris has officially closed Static Movement, but has posted Jack's Hungry at Astounding Tales. I have change the link above to reflect this change.

Oct 1, 2007

Writer's Helm

Hello again everyone, just a quick update to inform you that I am now Editor of Writer's Helm. I have taking it over from Pete Marsh and some changes are on the way. You can find us HERE.

Sep 29, 2007

Donatello's Picked Up

My second story in a month, Donatello's, has been picked up by Steel Moon, it has been entered into their themed contest for October's issue. Thanks to Pete and wish me luck!

Sep 28, 2007

Steel Moon Publishing Open For Business

My friend Pete Marsh over at Steel Moon Publishing has informed me that he is now open for some business. They are accepting submissions--no more than 1000 words--for their first comeback contest. Head on over there and see my pal Pete and submit something, would ya? You can get there from HERE.

Sep 26, 2007

UPDATE: Novel Outline

Just wanted to keep everyone up to speed on the outline. I have gotten through the prologue and the first two chapters. So here we go on the rest!

Sep 24, 2007

Novel Outline Started

I have begun work on an outline for my first novel, yet to be titled. So I will be posting my progress as I go along. I wanted to do this so that everyone of you can go along with me on this novel roller coaster ride. I hope this will garner a sense of what we do as writers and allow you all to see the process/time that goes into writing a full novel. Hope you enjoy the ride!!

Sep 21, 2007

Here We Are...

Looks like everyone made it ok...this being my first post I should introduce myself. I am Todd Banks and I recently had my first short story accepted and slated to be published in October. This is an exciting time for me and it just seems to be coming on all the sudden. Reading and writing has always been a passion of mine, but it fell to the wayside in '93, when I joined the Navy. Ever since then it's been balls to the walls working to raise my family. I have finally found the time to sit at my keyboard and peck away at these crazy little demons running around inside my skull.
I owe a lot to my friend Brandon Berntson, who by the way, is one hell of a great writer himself. He unknowingly gave me the guidance I needed to get the job done...thanks Brandon. Head over to his site to read some horrific fiction that will make you want to sleep with your mommy again. Also I wanted to say thanks to Chris over at Static Movement for picking up my first story. You can find both Brandon's and Chris' links over in my Favorite Haunts section.
Thanks a lot for coming by and reading all this babble...hopefully I get the opportunity to scare you asses off!!