Sep 21, 2007

Here We Are...

Looks like everyone made it ok...this being my first post I should introduce myself. I am Todd Banks and I recently had my first short story accepted and slated to be published in October. This is an exciting time for me and it just seems to be coming on all the sudden. Reading and writing has always been a passion of mine, but it fell to the wayside in '93, when I joined the Navy. Ever since then it's been balls to the walls working to raise my family. I have finally found the time to sit at my keyboard and peck away at these crazy little demons running around inside my skull.
I owe a lot to my friend Brandon Berntson, who by the way, is one hell of a great writer himself. He unknowingly gave me the guidance I needed to get the job done...thanks Brandon. Head over to his site to read some horrific fiction that will make you want to sleep with your mommy again. Also I wanted to say thanks to Chris over at Static Movement for picking up my first story. You can find both Brandon's and Chris' links over in my Favorite Haunts section.
Thanks a lot for coming by and reading all this babble...hopefully I get the opportunity to scare you asses off!!


Brandon said...

Nice blog, if not a bit gruesome. Holy crap! I said, trying to block the eyeball from my sight so that I could read your blog. I like the look of it, and congratulations on your publication. Keep it moving, Todd. Keep it moving. Churn out those flash pieces, my boy. If nothing, just write for yourself. It always turns out better tht way. Hope the family is doing well. Tell everyone in the homestead I said Hi and keep those covers all the way to the chin, and the windows locked. Unless, of course, you like that sort of thing...Which, I suppose you do.

Todd Banks said...

Good to see you Brandon. Yes I do like that sort of thing...