Jun 28, 2008

The 13th Hour

As I stated in an earlier post, I was going to be involved in a new radio drama show. I am proud to announce that I have been named Head Writer for The 13th Hour, a horror anthology, in the vein of Tales from the Crypt. Here's a poster for the production.

New Website Going Up Soon!

That's right, I'm having a new website built as I type this blog entry. It's being done by Melissa, a very talented web designer. I hope you'll pay it a visit when it's finally live, which I'll update this post when it is. Go and seek Melissa out for all you web design needs, you won't be sorry. You can find her here.

Jun 26, 2008

Shaye St. John

I read a post over at the HL office and was introduced to this beautiful bit of film making. Apparently this guy has a lot of these independent films that are quite popular with the kids these days.

Jun 15, 2008

Placing An Ad With Dark Recesses Press

Are you a writer or a publisher and the budget is tight? Do you need to get your name or product out to a larger audience? Then come and place an ad with Dark Recesses Press magazine. The prices are competitive and the quality is outstanding. So come see us here.

Jun 12, 2008

New Radio Drama Coming Soon!

I can't say much right now, but I was named Head Writer for a new horror radio drama. It's format is much like that of Tales From the Crypt, in that there will be a different tale every month. I will be doing most of the writing from original works of fiction, but I will be writing scripts based on other up-and-coming horror writers tales.

I'll post more when I can. It's all CIA hush-hush right now.