May 28, 2008

Onboard With Dark Recesses Press As Editor

I have been giving the honor of carrying the title and responsibilities of Editor with Dark Recesses Press. I have been doing proofing for them for a while now and this was a logical step for me to take. I join the ranks of some very accomplished writers/editors and publishers, not too mention Bailey and her keen eye for great horror. I guess the next step for me is to conquer the world.

May 25, 2008

Frank's Back! Fran's New Book

Do you see that really nice banner above this post? Well that's one of me most favorite writer's new book. It has her Bram Stoker nominated novella, "Momma's Boy" and a host of many other dark tales to keep you up at night. So give that banner a clicky-poo and order 10-15 copies and give them as gifts at Christmas or birthdays. Donate a copy to your library for all to enjoy! Trust me they'll think you.

This one's for your Franny! Congrats again on such a great accomplishment!

May 16, 2008

My Friend George

Is this not the coolest picture ever?

May 7, 2008

Update On Locker 13

In an earlier post, I talked about my script in contention for a slot in a six part flick called, "Locker 13". Unfortunately, I didn't make it this time, but no worries, it's off to the writing board for me!

May 5, 2008


I just wanted to announce my next script, "Solitary". It's a piece about a woman trapped in her house. Stay tuned for more information.